Frequently Asked Questions
What is an IBCLC?
IBCLC stands for Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant, and it is the gold standard for lactation care. It is a specialty in the medical world, and while we work closely with the rest of your healthcare team (such as pediatrician, midwives or OB) we cannot be replaced by them. If you need lactation specific help, make sure you're working with the right care provider!
I already saw a lactation specialist, how can you help?
Not all lactation experts are created equal. In the course of my training I did over 900 hours of lactation specific education, then over 300 hours of hands on experience with parents and babies all the way from three hours old to three years old. It's also important to take into consideration the personality fit. Feeding babies can be an intimate, vulnerable time in the beginning, and it's worth finding assistance that feels good to you.
Do you take insurance? What is the cost?
An initial visit is $200, a follow up visit is $150, and a prenatal education visit is $125. Telehealth visits are $100 since they are shorter, and less involved. All of these visits are eligible for reimbursement through your insurance company and/or through your health savings account or flexible spending account. I provide a superbill to make reimbursement as simple as possible, but it's up to your individual insurance to decide what they're willing to reimburse.
What if I need to cancel?
Visits that are cancelled more than two days in advance are fully refunded, but visits that are cancelled within two days of the visit are subject to a $75 cancellation fee.
Do you have experience helping with...
The short answer is probably yes! Thus far in my time as a lactation professional I've supported:
many family configurations (same sex parents, trans parents, single parents, teen parents, older first time parents)
low supply/supplementation
over supply
induced lactation
tongue tie (having it released as well as not having it released)
previous breast surgery
introducing a bottle
formula/combo feeding
supplemental nursing systems
inverted/flat nipples
preterm infants
plugged ducts
back to work
introducing solids
nursing strikes
nursing through pregnancy
tandem feeding
weaning safely and comfortably
My question is about bottle feeding. Do you help with that?
Absolutely! All families deserve to feel supported, and to have up to date information no matter how they feed their babies. I'm here for it all: breast, bottle, formula, solids, whatever!
What areas do you serve?
Anywhere within about an hour of Portland or Vancouver is a possibility! Even if you think you're too far out please reach out, at the very least I may be able to connect you to someone closer to your area.
Do you wear a mask during our visit?
I do if your little one is under three months old, but I don't mind in the least if you choose not to! I have kids that attend two different schools, so I am very cautious about what germs I may accidentally bring to your home, so I mask out of an abundance of caution (especially during cold and flu season) to protect the families I work with. I have been fully vaccinated, practice universal precautions, wear gloves for all hands on exams, and send out a pre-visit illness screening for all families to ensure that we're all doing our part to keep each other safe.
I take keeping the families I work with safe very seriously, and always err on the side of caution. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know!
Can I text you?
If you have questions about booking a visit, absolutely! If you're a client it can be an option after you've signed the waiver acknowledging that it's not a HIPAA compliant way of communicating. If you want to be HIPAA compliant, email me! If you don't care about HIPAA, I don't mind you reaching out with the occasional quick question. However, if it's been a while since I last saw you, my answer will probably be to book a follow up visit to make sure we're working with the most up to date information on your set of circumstances!